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Friday 1 July 2011

Weight .Loss

Are you already getting bored with the various types of diets? Here are 12 steps to be slim without diet.
How to Get Slim Without Diet
How to Get Slim Without Diet
Currently almost all women in the world want to get the ideal body weight. The goal are for the beauty and also to maintain health. Many types of diets are done by women, there are successful but many also fail because the diet is very tiring and boring. The experts have been predicting that the year 2020, seven of 10 women will have a weight problem. Some women feel she is too fat, some are indeed overweight or obese. Oh no, whether you will experience the same problem? Hmmm … You certainly do not expect you to be one of the seven people who have problems such weight. How?
A strict diet can indeed be very helpful, but how hard the diet if it feels. Not to mention the punishment must resist the temptation to see your friends enjoy a chicken salad with cream cheese with gusto, while you should receive a gulp and Veggie salad with fresh tomatoes only.

How to Get Slim without Diet?

Do not torture yourself with a super strict diet that does not make sense. Just follow the 12 steps to be slim without following a strict diet:

1. Set Your Dining Time

Usually we always eat in a hurry, by reason of busy, meeting or fear of immediate loss. Well, actually it is not the reason. Anyway you can get up early to set up your mealtimes. Eating in a hurry will make your digestion gets confused, he was forced to work hard to grind food and absorb nutrients that are not effectively exist. As a result, more fat and nutrients are left in pockets.

2. Enough Sleep at Night

Sleeping enough will make you more refreshed the next day, woke up in the morning and enjoying breakfast on time. In addition, you also avoid to unhealthy snacking at night.

3. Three Kinds of Healthy Vegetables

Are you vegetable lovers? Hmmm … not many are pointing the finger seems. But this time you should change your habits. Eat more vegetables than usual, three servings of vegetables every meal, especially lunch menu and evening. Important fiber-rich vegetables needed to facilitate digestion of food waste that is not required by the body. Try to eat vegetables with different types, such as green vegetables, red vegetables, and white vegetables, e.g. cabbage, carrots and bean sprouts. This combination is needed because each vegetable contains different nutrients. And of course you want all the nutrients you fulfilled?

4. Reduce Salt

You may not think that is not sugar alone that makes fat. Instead of salt taste salty, trigger obesity is not less than sugar. Why? Because when the body is consume too much salt, so many essential nutrients that go wasted in the urine. While the fat and calories, choose to survive and fill the empty spaces like in the abdomen, hips, thighs and other body parts. Actually, one teaspoon of salt consumed recommended daily (total daily). However if you feel not capable, at least reduce little by little sprinkling of salt in a variety of cooking menus.

5. Hang Your Favorite Clothes

A few weeks ago you bought a nice dress. Do you think the clothes would fit and well in the body? Without thinking you were buying without trying. And unfortunately, after arriving at your house and did not try the clothes fit. Do not be hurried discarded! Hanging the clothes and try it you can always see their own motivation to become fit the clothes you wear.

6. Meat vs. Rice

Our habit is to eat the entire menu with rice. Meat menu is actually a menu as opposed to rice. But this does not mean meat is not healthy menu. We can get many nutrients from it. So, if you want to eat meat, pair with vegetables.

7. Clever Pizza Menu

Pizza is okay to occasionally. But choose a healthy pizza topping and contain more vegetables than meat. Matching with a salad without dressing topping that fiber can compensate for calories contained in meat.

8. Less Sugar

Who would not like to be the sweetness of sugar? But nice does not mean it is always healthy, because eating too much sugar can harm their own health, especially the danger the threat of diabetes. Reduce sugar in all your menus, both food and beverages. Do not forget to drink eight glasses of mineral water daily.

9. Choose a Glass That is Tall and Slim

As quoted from the WebMD Woman, Brian Wansink Ph.D., suggests that the visualization of a glass affects our desire to drink something. If you often spend eight glasses of mineral water a day, then try to drink from a glass that is thinner and taller. Thus, at least you will always spend your drink, and possibly add another one because the impression is still thirsty.

10. Limit Alcohol

Not prohibited, but reduce and limit your alcohol consumption. In fact the wine is very good for health.

11. Start The Day with Green Tea

If you started the day with green tea every morning is the best tips. The content of caffeine contained in green tea makes you find the extra energy and spirit through a day of activities. Antioxidants keep you healthy and away from the threat of cancer.

12. Fresh Veggies

Raw vegetables such as cucumbers, lettuce, long beans, basil leaves are provide a healthy nutritional intake of its own. Moreover freshness makes the nutrients they contain is still maximal, it has not been processed on the fire. Your menu can also be mixed with meat to make it healthier.
Our menu and type of food is all around us now, increasing the likelihood of overweight. Therefore, managing a healthy diet is the key. And you can stay slim without dieting.

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